- It's not easy to tap a nail into the wall. 这墙不容易钉进钉子。
- It is illegal to tap a telephone wire. 窃听电话是非法的。
- The highway taps a large district. 这条公路开发了一大片地区。
- The bartender tapped a new keg of beer. 酒吧招待开启了一桶新啤酒。
- The bar tender tapped a new keg of beer. 酒吧招待开了一桶新啤酒。
- If you tap a glass on its side,it gives off a nice ringing sound. 如果你轻击玻璃杯边,它会发出清脆的声响。
- If you tap a glass on its side, it gives off a nice ringing sound. 如果你轻击玻璃杯边,它会发出清脆的声响。
- Her fingers tapped a light tattoo on the table. 她用手指在桌子上轻击鼓点。
- Has been tapping a typewriter for two hours. 她打字已经两个小时了。
- She has been tapping a typewriter for two hours. 她打字已打了两个钟头了。
- The bartender tapped a new keg of beer . 酒吧招待开启了一桶新啤酒。
- But he also tapped a wider desire for change. 而且他还激发了民众希望变革的热情。
- Tapping a tattoo is a standard action. 开启灵纹是一个标准动作。
- Miyazaki taps a cigarette from a silver case. 宫崎骏从银盒子里磕出一只香烟。
- Perhaps I shall even use it to tap a jaunty tune on Cyrus's tombstone. 也许我应该用它在塞勒斯的墓碑上敲击出一段动人的旋律来。
- Perhaps I shall even use it to tap a jaunty tune on Cyrus`s tombstone. 也许我应该用它在塞勒斯的墓碑上敲击出一段动人的旋律来。
- They had tapped a rich vein of information in his secretary. 他们从他的秘书那里摸到了大量信息。
- We can tap a watershed indefinitely so long as we do not disturb the ecological balance. 我们只要不干扰集水区的生态平衡,就可以无限期地利用其水域。
- Is it illegal to tap a telephone for the purpose of secretly recording a conversation? 为了秘密地录下谈话,在电话内装置窃听器是违法的行为吗?
- Once, if you wanted to borrow money, you had either to visit a bank or to tap a Cheap eq plat rich friend or relative. 在过去,如果你想借钱,你要么去银行,要么去找有钱的朋友或亲戚。